What are we going to research?

Terrorism is still serious around the world!

(Answers in Sidebar)

What is terrorism?

The History of Terrorism

How do wars help create terrorism?

Can you name some terrorist groups that started because of wars?

How do wars make people or groups become terrorists?

Does foreign involvement in wars lead to more terrorism?

How do terrorist groups use wars to become stronger?

What are the differences and similarities between rebels and terrorists?

How do countries whose regime collapse, become places where terrorists grow?

Can long wars help terrorist groups find new members?

How do wars and terrorism affect regular innocent people in similar and different ways?

What has the "War on Terror" done to global terrorism?

How do terrorists change the way wars are fought?

How are propagandas used in both wars and terrorism?

How do wars force people to move and does this movement have casual relationship with terrorism?

How do military actions to stop terrorism affect local people and peace?

Does wars impact on how terrorists get money and resources?

Can wars in one area spread terrorism to other places?

How has fighting terrorism globally changed military plans and actions?

How do ideological conflicts like the Cold War, induce terrorism?

How does keeping borders secure help stop terrorism from war zones?

How does peace deals affect terrorist activities?

In what way do wars with many different groups make fighting terrorism harder?

What happens when private military groups are used in war zones ?

How do war crimes and human rights abuses during wars and can they lead to terrorism?

How do we tell the difference between freedom fighters and terrorists in war areas?

What can history teach us about stopping terrorism after wars?

How do wars help spread terrorist ideas around the world?

How do peacekeeping missions deal with both ongoing wars and terrorism?


  1. These are very good, smart questions that attempt to get at the connection between wars and terrorism. Trying to answer them will help you to get at the complexities of the issues involved. They demonstrate that you aren't looking at the two things in simplistic, causal terms, but rather how they interact with each other.

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing how you are trying to find answers for the excellent questions you came up with weeks ago? You seem to be a bit behind on your work and haven't made much progress for a while.


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